In honor of my dear sister (who, in her spare time, is a faithful reader of The Lesblog) I thought I would share some sisterly memories:
I remember that Uncle Al used to call you Baldy when you were a little girl because your hair was so white-blond it was almost invisible.
I remember that for Christmas one year you got movie passes to go see King Kong. So our family all dressed up in our brand new Western shirts and went to the movies in Marion. What a treat!
I remember that we were playing at Grandma's house and you fell and hit the back of your head on her marble and wood coffee table and laid the crown of your head open. I remember Grandpa looking at it and deciding it needed stitches.
I remember you crawling into my bed at night asking to sleep with me because you were afraid of dad's coonhounds barking into the dark.
I remember you used to play with my Barbies when I wasn't home and then leave them in a mess on my floor, making me no end of mad.
I remember you and me and Bill dragging the canoe down to the woods and paddling our rain-swollen creek out to the road. (Do Mom and Dad know about that? Wouldn't you just kill your boys for doing something that dangerous?).
I remember that you didn't share Bill's and my love of horses. So you were perpetually frustrated that we were unwilling to surrender our horses in favor of a snowmobile, or an Atari, or any number of other expensive items.
I remember that you were called Nervous Pervis in high school because you got so worked up before basketball games. And I remember that you gave Mom heartattacks because you were so competitive that you would dive into the bleachers after a stray ball.
I remember that you always made sure little Bay and Cam knew who Aunt Les was, even though she only saw them twice a year. This is good, because it will come in handy when I'm 90 years old and living in a cat urine-stained farmhouse in Vermont and don't have any kids of my own to take my truck keys away.
I remember that you are my favorite sister! Happy Birthday!
The Lessis feels very honored to have made the Lesblog in favorable fashion....did you HAVE to mention that I played with barbies? I must have blocked this out of my childhood memories.....here are a few of my favorites:
The night you asked me to sleep with you so you could show me your secret in the night....you woke me up and we snuck to the basement, pried up the Pepsi lids just enough so that we could get a taste of that unforbidden beverage....do you suppose Mom ever wondered why her pop was flat?
How about your fear of heights - and how Bill and I would climb up into the hay mow to excape you, and you would only come half way up the ladder because you were too afraid to pass the missing rung?
How about your obsession with collecting horse figurines? And where are they today? In MY attic!
How about the pony that Mom and Dad got me, but, that I couldn't ride by myself cuz somebody had to be there to tell me when to jump off before the pony laid down! And you wonder WHY I never developed the love for horses like you and Bill!
Those are all wonderful childhood memories, I wouldn't trade them for the world.
And yes, you are my favorite sis (and blogger) too!
Dear Lessis,
Thank you for your comments on The LesBlog.
I have no memory of anything you have written here. Are you sure you are the LESsis? Or are you James Frey?
hi i'm a fotographer .
i have a blog and i have this name the lessis from many years
i'm against copyright...but is nice know people with this name...
bye the lessis..
you can write this also in gogle bye bye..
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