It was a red power suit day today in Lesland. Today is the day that my animal shelter and my neighboring animal shelter finally decided to tie the knot.
We've been talking merger off and on for 4 years, now. But after some recent very hard work ironing out the details, our respective boards of directors voted to make it happen.
I know, dear reader, that this may be less-than-compelling news--especially if you live in, say, Portugal. But cut me some slack, it's late, I'm tired, and I won a long-fought battle.
The Lesdad is sitting up and has his "teeth" back in. Good news abounds in Lesland.
Of course, banjo-wise, prospects remain bleak.
Congratulations! It is great to see all of your hard work and efforts pay off in this long sought after merger. Change is scary, but, also very exciting. Good luck to you and your staff - the animals of western Mass are lucky to have all of you on their side!
Dear Lessis,
Thank you again for your kind words of support. We here at The Lesblog aim to please.
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