Saturday, August 24, 2013

Thinner, or How Stephen King Snuck Up on Me

Thinner, Richard Bachman (aka Stephen King), 1984, New American Library, Genre: Horror. 309 pages. Finished 8/22/13.

LesOpinion: In the early '70's, when Stephen King was just starting out, he wrote so many books that his editor suggested that he write some of them under a pen name so he wouldn't freak out the publishing world (never mind that he was launching a career wherein he would freak the rest of us out for the next 40 years). So King invented "Richard Bachman." "Richard" wrote Thinner just before and on the same typewriter as King wrote Carrie.

I've long been dreading my arrival in the K section of the S. White Dickinson, because it means delving into the wacky world of Stephen King--not because he's a terrible writer, but because I'm not a fan of horror. So imagine my surprise when King jumped off the shelf and scared me just as I got into the B's.

Thinner is Horror Lite (seriously, it has a Gypsy curse at its core), and it isn't particularly well-written. The plot drags, and every single character is so unsympathetic that I found myself  hoping they would all die. The good news? I wasn't afraid to turn out the lights.

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