Wednesday, July 04, 2012

What were the KNOWN thrillers, again?

Behind a Mask: The Unknown Thrillers of Louisa May Alcott, Louisa May Alcott with an introduction by Madeleine Stern, 1984, Quill. Genre: Blood and Thunder Tales. 277 pages. Finished 7/4/2012.

LesOpinion: If you thought Louisa May Alcott only ever wrote Little Women, join the club. As it turns out, Alcott was a prolific writer who frequently turned to writing (usually pseudonymously) what she called "blood and thunder tales" for sleazy magazines in order to make a quick buck.

This collection of four novellas is the first time any of these stories appeared in print under Alcott's real name. She'd probably die with embarrassment to have her respectable self associated with such silly tales of romance, intrigue, and what passed for violence in 1865.

Circumstances under which I would recommend these stories: You are assigned them by your Alcott-obsessed English professor, and you aren't the kind of student who turns to Wikipedia or Cliff's Notes. Or are you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah the depths we sink to when we need $$$$. The only reason this obsessed English prof would assign these novels is in the interests of making students aware of the whole opus and not just what had survived the scrutiny of other obsessed English teachers!