Monday, July 09, 2012

Inés of My Soul

Inés of My Soul, Isabel Allende, 2006, Harper Collins. Genre: Historical Fiction. 313 pages. Finished 7/9/12.

And now, a word from the LesBlog Editorial Board: With this novel, we celebrate our 50th book of the Quest.  Happy 50th, Gentle Reader!

LesOpinion: This tale of the Spanish invasion of Chile in 1540 is told from the point of view of the historical figure, Inés Suárez. If you ever sat through a tedious history class memorizing dates and names of dead European men, Allende's romantic, tragic, horrifying, and heartbreaking novel will make up for those lost years of your life.

I regret two things: that this novel came to an end, and that it's the last unread Allende on the shelves of the S. White Dickinson. Onward, Gentle Reader. 


Anonymous said...

I loved it too! --Ronnie

Les said...

Dear Ronnie,

Welcome to the LesBlog. I believe myself to be in good company, if you loved this book, too. I consider you a finer arbiter of literary taste than the LesBlog Editorial Board.
