Tuesday, May 01, 2012

The Room and the Chair

The Room and the Chair, Lorraine Adams, 2010, Knopf. Genre: Literary suspense.  315 pages.  Finished 5/1/2012.

LesOpinion:  This isn't your cubicle-mate's international suspense thriller.  This is Don DeLillo does Robert Ludlum via Toni Morrison.  It's part stream of consciousness, part spy tale, and part investigative journalism that takes us for a fast ride on a slow horse through the evils of contemporary war culture.  If you like your political thrillers to be tidy whodunnits, this isn't for you.  If you appreciate an author who can put two words together, has something to say about how we're all victims of (and complicit in the manufacture of) the same crazy machine, and builds suspense only to end it with a big, fat "what did you expect?" then read this book.  It is among the best of the Quest.

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