The Legend, Evelyn Anthony, 1969, Coward-McCann. Genre: Romantic Suspense. 254 pages. Finished 6/3/2010.
Exposure, Evelyn Anthony, 1994, HarperCollins. Genre: Romantic Suspense. 277 pages. Finished 6/15/2010.
The Scarlet Thread, Evelyn Anthony, 1990, Harper & Row. Genre: Romantic Suspense. 327 pages. Finished 6/19/2010.
LesOpinion: Never have I come so close to abandoning the Library Quest, gentle reader, as I did slogging through these three woman-hating novels. You'll remember Evelyn Anthony as the author of Clandara. A few weeks ago I was ready to forgive Anthony for thinking that the coupling of stupid women and abusive men was romantic--she was, after all, writing in 1963. I held out hope that the author would overcome her self-loathing by the 1990's and maybe create a female character with half a personality who wouldn't fall head over heels for an abusive, murdering dickweed. Alas, Anthony's more recent heroines (if you could call them that) are as puling, big breasted, and vacuous as those of 30 years ago.
A sign these and other books like them are going to be awful: As my friend Allison pointed out, it's never good when the author's name appears in larger type on the front of the book than the book's title. When that happens, you know you just bought a one-way ticket to Crapville.
OMG, why have I not been following this blog? These are the best book reviews I have ever read. I love your sharp tongue and brutal honesty. Outstanding.
Welcome to the LesBlog, LynneMarie (aka my favorite blogger). We are honored to have you here and hope you find everything you need.
A friend of mine turned me on to your blog. Love it! I can't believe you had to read FOUR WHOLE BOOKS that were so terrible.
I myself picked up and then put down a book from my library when I saw that it referred to the sun as "the golden orb."
Dear Judy,
So glad you stopped by! Don't be a stranger.
It is the opinion of the LesBlog Editorial Board that we have read far more than 4 terrible books, but we agree that having to read 4 in a row is probably a violation of the Geneva Convention.
Les, I'm with you! Four books in a row by Evelyn Anthony surely counts as cruel and unusual punishment.
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