The Secret of the Villa Mimosa, Elizabeth Adler, 1995, Delacorte Press. Genre: Romantic suspense. 375 pages. Finished 2/28/10.
Dumbest quote: “The man was blond, tall, and definitely handsome, with the kind of well-muscled body that looked as good in clothes as you knew it would out of them.”
LesOpinion: That dumb quote was the first line of the book and foreshadowed the awful writing to come. While the story was fun the writing made me realize that talent has little to do with who gets a publishing deal. The worst part is that I turned my cable off because I thought TV was making me stupid.
I swear I've read your "dumb quote" in at least half a dozen other books. Not only is it dumb; it's plagiarism.
It is the humble opinion of the Lesblog Editorial Board that plagiarizing bad writing is like stealing costume jewelry.
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