The Architect by Keith Ablow, 2005, St. Martin’s Press. Genre: Suspense. 289 pages. Finished 2/23/10.
LesOpinion: I read this book in one day of lounging on the couch being sick. It’s what my old writing professor would have called a “small book,” meaning it didn’t have anything to say. Which is fine, because it is genre fiction and isn’t meant to do more than tell a tale of suspense. In that respect, it's better than some, worse than others. If this book were a movie, I’d say spare yourself the full ticket price and the DVD rental and wait for it to come to television, where sure, the sex scenes would be edited, but then you need only refer to the “dumbest quote” under my entry for Ablow’s Compulsion to see what you would be missing if they were.
Congratulations! You've been banned at Orting High School. Let's just say, if this were paper, somebody'd be lighting the bon fire. Aren't you proud?
We at the LesBlog have always taken pride in the risque nature of our offerings. Sure, our use of words like "sex" and "Ablow" narrows our audience to the libertine few, but an artistic license doesn't come cheap.
The LesBlog
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