Isn't it fine?
The lesbanjo has now spent a year and a half living with Les and the lespets. In that time, Les has even learned how to play a few songs on it. While Les could never be mistaken for an actual banjo player, she can play the banjo.
You'll also see, there behind the lesbanjo, t

he lesguitar. This is not to be confused with a "Les Paul guitar," which is another thing altogether. The lesguitar has quite a few more miles on it now and, frankly, gets played a heckuva lot more than the lesbanjo does...in much the same way that, until Les mastered a few recognizable tunes on the lesguitar, the lespiano held sway. Now, of course, the lespiano sits in its corner, gathering dust and fur, played only by Betty Lou the lescat.
glad to see you're back. Missed ya' and your observations!
Why thank you, D, it is a pleasure to be back among the good people of the blogosphere.
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