The handsome young gentleman to your right is one of the lesnephews, Bailey. Last Christmas, Bailey was the star of his elementary school holiday pageant, surprising everyone in the lesfam with not just his ability to carry a tune, but the fact that he didn't faint dead away when asked to carry that tune audibly in front of a packed gymnasium.
I'm looking forward to seeing Bailey and his brother Camden perform in a local holiday theater production in a couple of weeks. Yes, les is taking yet another journey back to OH to visit the lesfam.
Having to drive 13 hours to see the kids break a leg in a small town theater production is one of the reasons why your les continues to contemplate the move back to Ohio. I tell the family I'll be there by June (lack of a job or access to vegetarian food be damned!). Then I come back here to lesland and I realize that my work is important to me (however frustrating) and my friends are important to me and my BJJ school is important to me.
Besides, there was a reason 20-some years ago that I moved away...and have stayed away all this time. I'm still trying to figure out of the reason is valid.
In response to my last blog entry, regarding my hero, Mr. Marcelo Garcia, the lesis suggested that I used to have daggerlike fingernails. Please note that the les has never in her life had daggerlike fingernails, or in fact, fingernails of any caliber whatsoever. But that doesn't mean les wasn't a scrappy kid. In fact, I think the "Lord of the Flies" atmosphere around the leshomeplace when we got off the bus everyday (with the lesbro in charge) is what made les such a fighter today. We have no one to blame but the lesbro.
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