The House of the Spirits, Isabel Allende, Knopf, 1982 (1985 English translation by Magda Bogin). Genre: Magical Realism. 368 pages. Finished 4/14/2010.
LesOpinion: There is this thing that happens to me that goes like this: I enjoy playing the piano, but then I go see someone who is a prodigy play the piano. And I pretty much give up playing the piano, because I have no hope of ever playing like the prodigy plays. It's like we were never doing the same thing in the first place.
If every other author I've reviewed so far is like me in that respect, and if they read Isabel Allende, they will just pack it in. For the real hacks, like Randy Alcorn or Elizabeth Adler, one can only hope.
Yes, Gentle Reader, Allende writes actual literature-with-a- capital-L. Dense, beautiful, thought-provoking, complicated, and timeless Literature.
In fact, a timely quote for your reading pleasure: "...and on the date stipulated by law the left calmly came to power. And on that date the right began to stockpile hate."